
emacs ido

在emacs中打开和新建文件使用的是M-x find-file(即C-x C-f),如果文件不存在就创建一个新文件。默认的提示输入文件名的方式类似shell中的补全。

The ido.el is now a default elisp package in Emacs 23.
You can get the newest version from CVS.

Use following elisp to enable ido-mode:
(require 'ido)
(ido-mode t)

C-f to return to normal find-file
C-d to enter dired.
C-l to run ido-reread-directory to refresh the current work directory.
C-j to stop automatically completing file names. For example, you have "test.01" and "test.02" in your work directory, but you want to create a new file "test" instead of finding "test.01" or "test.02". Then you should type C-j after inputting "test", to run ido-select-text.
Tab or ? to show completion help.
